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Bobby Powers

Simlin is an web-first system dynamics modeling editor and engine. The goals are to:

  1. Lower the barrier to entry for System Dynamics by creating a full-featured yet inexpensive model editor
  2. Widen the reach for existing System Dynamics content by making it easier to embed simulations in websites (and in interactive content in general)
  3. Enable cross-pollination with other technology and modeling approaches by making the full engine and editor available as open-source software

Simlin is far from finished, but is usable today without any lock-in! Simlin can be used to construct stock and flow models, can import models from Vensim and Stella, and models can be downloaded as XMILE at any time.

Today, Simlin supports basic stock and flow modeling, with more on the way! The engine already supports simulating arrayed models and models with modules, and we will enable creating and editing models with those features in the editor soon. Similarly, we have a plan for unit checking.

We look forward to seeing what you build on Simlin! Please reach out by email or by opening a Github Issue if you have problems or feature requests.